Reductive Rhinoplasty on Young Male who wanted his nose to fit his face better

Rhinoplasty Frontal View



Rhinoplasty Lateral View



Rhinoplasty Oblique



Rhinoplasty Base



This young man sought consultation with Dr. Jaimie DeRosa when he was 18 years old. He wanted a rhinoplasty to correct the aesthetics of his nose. He felt like it stuck out too much and was also crooked. He was also bothered by the fact that the tip dropped with smiling. He did not want drastic changes made and preferred to retain some of his ethnicity. Ideally, he wanted to retain some of the dorsal hump. His exam was notable for thin nasal skin, long nasal bones and his entire nose was crooked to the left. He had a long nose with a hanging tip. He did have ptosis of the tip with animation (drooping of the nasal tip). On his side profile view, he was noted to have a nasal dorsal hump which was caused by both the nasal bones and cartilage and an over-projected nasal tip. His nasal tip rotation was fine. He also had a full nasolabial angle at the junction of the upper lip and nose (columella). He has some restriction of the middle vault nasal valves as well. On his three-quarter or oblique view on the left side, the nasal tip also showed mild bifidity as well. Dr. Jaimie DeRosa performed an open rhinoplasty to reduce the nasal bones, straighten the nose, bring the tip back to be in better alignment with the rest of his nose, and create a natural-appearing new nose.


Jaimie DeRosa, M.D., F.A.C.S.617-915-0070Contact Us
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