Local Boston woman undergoes rhinoplasty to make nose smaller and more feminine

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This lovely 33 year old woman came into the DeRosa Clinic on Newbury Street Boston to consult with Dr. Jaimie DeRosa. She did not like her nose and felt like it was too big for the rest of her face, and it was also too masculine. She had a large bridge of the nose, also called a dorsal hump or bump, and the tip of her nose drooped too low and worsened with animation, such as smiling. After talking with the patient, Dr. DeRosa found that her nose had very thin skin, lack of tip support (which caused the tip to fall or become ptotic), and a large bone and cartilage dorsal hump. Dr. Jaimie DeRosa, a double board certified facial plastic surgeon, performed an open septorhinoplasty, which included osteotomies, removal of the bump, tip support using cartilage grafts from her own nose, and nasal tip refinement.



Jaimie DeRosa, M.D., F.A.C.S.617-915-0070Contact Us


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