22 year old female needed revision rhinoplasty after two nose jobs

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This young woman sought Dr. DeRosa's expertise after having two prior rhinoplasty surgeries elsewhere which were complicated by fracturing her nose playing soccer. When she consulted with Dr. DeRosa, double board certified facial plastic and reconstructive surgeon, she was bothered by her crooked nose and flattening of the tip of her nose. She also was having trouble breathing through her nose due to nasal valve collapse and a persistent nasal septal deviation. Dr. DeRosa performed an open revision rhinoplasty surgery using the patient's own rib cartilage (also called "autologous rib cartilage") to correct the deviations of her nose, open the nasal valves and and re-support the tip of her nose.



Jaimie DeRosa, M.D., F.A.C.S.617-915-0070Contact Us


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